In a life of having a round that makes us like a sea that is sometimes up and sometimes down. We as humans have the opportunity to live a happy life in the world, and the hereafter. Just as there is a black, and white. And if we have the color black, then our lives as the waters were receding or you're a failure, if we have the color white, then we are like the sea is rising or we're having success. Now you must wait for the title in the "how to create a successful life." Where the hell do I? OK to not exist? quiet for a while so all my dear blog readers. Here's how it: we're having a negative thought, and positive right? the answer is yes.
If we notice a negative thought, then our lives will continue to fail, and therefore God has created a difference, no black <> there is white, there is a positive <> nothing negative, <> no fail <> no success. From this we learn to make our lives successful. His discussion
as follows: if all the negativity that we thought our lives would turn into a life that will fail, why like that? because if we count each day thinking a negative thought? then we stayed calculate it, how many times we will fail. The word 'shall' means already indicated that we want to run something, already know?. Conversely, if we think a positive thought, then we count only live act, the success of which we will take.
From the title above then we can take out of this discussion, so that we can run our lives successfully.Notice my writing dai top to bottom, do not miss one any of my posts, if you missed one word, it would be a great loss to yourself, because I am writing this, for free And what if there was one word from me, I apologize for the amount, as I am only human.
I wish you also a positive mind and great success!